
  • 11/30/23 - OpenSim+ Advanced User Workshop at Stanford University

    The Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance, Restore Center, and Mobilize Center are now accepting applications for a three-day, project-based workshop on the Stanford University campus. This workshop will take place March 11-13, 2024 and is intended for researchers who are advanced users of our software tools, including OpenCap. Advanced users include those who are applying these tools to new use cases or developing new pipelines, models, or algorithms. Researchers will work with our staff to advance the goals of their specific research projects. We highly encourage collaborators to participate in the workshop as a team. Applications are due December 15, 2023. Learn more and apply.
  • 10/19/23 - OpenCap paper

    The OpenCap manuscript was published in PLoS Computational Biology. Take a look at this nice video made by Stanford.
  • 07/18/23 - Meet up at TGCS, ISB, ASB, ACRM

    We will attend these four conferences in the coming months. Please come talk to us.
  • 07/11/23 - New marker augmenter model

    We released a new version of our deep learning model that predicts anatomical markers from video keypoints. The dataset used for training this new model contains data from 3.5x more subjects and from a more diverse set of tasks; we therefore expect it to be more accurate for a wider variety of tasks. To use this new model, hit “Advanced Settings” on the subject page and select “v0.3” under “Select marker augmenter model”. The older model (v0.2) is still set as default, but probably not for very long. Want to see how the new model is performing? Take a look at these demo sessions:  burpees, cycling, pushups, and tennis. You can reprocess your data with the new marker augmenter model; watch this video to learn more.
  • 06/09/23 - Musculoskeletal model with ISB shoulder model

    OpenCap now supports another musculoskeletal model with a 6 degree-of-freedom shoulder complex joint. The model incorporates a scapulothoracic body with 3 translational degrees of freedom relative to the torso. The glenohumoral joint uses the Y-X-Y rotation sequence recommended by the ISB. We suggest using this model for upper-extremity activities (e.g., baseball pitching). To use this new model, hit “Advanced Settings” on the subject page and select “Full body model with ISB shoulder“ under “Select musculoskeletal model”. Want to see how the new model is performing? Take a look at these demo sessions:  shoulder shrugging and baseball picthing. You can reprocess your data with this musculoskeletal model; watch this video to learn more.
  • 04/26/23 - List of subjects

    You can now manage your subjects from the web application (hit “Subjects” on the landing page) and select one of your subjects when collecting data. From the Subjects page, you can see all the sessions associated with a specific subject. We hope this will make longitudinal studies easier to run.
  • 03/01/23 - Model Health

    To support users with commercial applications, Scott Uhlrich and Antoine Falisse, two of the developers of OpenCap, started Model Health. OpenCap will remain open-source and free of charge (as per the terms and conditions) for the foreseeable future, but please don’t use it for commercial applications and contact Model Health instead.
  • 01/15/23 - Video recording at different frame rates

    OpenCap now supports recording videos at 60, 120, and 240 Hz. We recommend selecting 60 Hz (default) to optimize computational speed, but selecting a higher frame rate might be helpful for more dynamic activities like volleyball hitting or sprinting. If you see motion blur in your videos at lower frame rates, it may be good to increase the frame rate.
  • 11/11/22 - Video recording in landscape mode

    The title says it all; you can now position your device in portrait or landscape mode.